We Build Marketing Automations

For Practices That Want to Dominate

In The News...

Why buy more ads (and more traffic) when

you haven't plugged your marketing leaks?

3 Leaks. Same Problem. Stop Bleeding Out.

Do Marketing Triage

How to do Marketing Triage

Step 1:

Do Opportunity Triage: Plug Your Leaky Lead Bucket

Step 2:

Do Sales Funnel Triage: Salvage More Deals

Step 3:

Do Traffic Triage: Keep The Ones That Land

Leaky Lead Bucket

Marketing Triage Begins With Opportunity Triage
What is Opportunity Triage? It Is These Three Things


Phone Triage

Phone Lead Loss hurts the most. These are the most likely to close deals. When they slip away because you lack a solid capture-to-close process, it's the first fix that the smartest practices put in.


Web Triage

Web Lead Loss is not top of mind for many practices. Visitors come and visitors go. Emphasis on the "go." Do you even know how many chances you had last month to capture contact info?


Social Triage

Social networks aren't funnels...or, are they? Put a little science behind all that posting. Throw in a bit of direct response marketing and Boom! You've got a Social Funnel working 24x7x365.

... and Opportunity Triage Begins With Phone Triage.

Phone (Lead) Triage Keeps Your Hottest Leads From Getting Lost or

Going To Your Competition


Capture Caller Info

You spend thousands making the phone ring.

Don't let them drop off into the "bit bucket."


Make An Instant Connection

Callers need instant gratification.

Automated Email and SMS does both. Hands Free.


Fill Procedure Pipeline/s

Reach out 1-to-1 and properly introduce yourself.

Maybe even book an appointment in that 1st call.

How to do Phone Triage? You Capture All Phone Prospects

Introducing CAPP: Automation-Enabled Phone (Lead) Triage

First, Your Operators Only Do 1 Quick Thing:


Operator Fills In Opportunity Form

Operators opens form, takes info.

Stop Letting Opportunities Slip By


Marketing Autopilot Engaged

(Operator Takes Next Call)

Marketing System takes over now.

Instantly connect, quickly communicate authority, credibility and expertise.


Opportunity Drops Into Pipeline & Sales Notified

Marketing handoff to Sales is complete.

Your Opportunity Buffer Fills with a Bullet-Proof Follow-up

Next, Automations


Automatic Welcome Messages Fly Out

Track of all new opportunities

Trust & rapport with every new prospect.


Automatic Patient Education Content Sequences Start

Provide the right patient education content asset

Snewhatever your Marketing Team wants


Sales Connects & Books 1st Appointment

Sales Opportunity Ready for Direct Outreach.

Tracks As Much (or as Little) As You Wish

Last, Let Sales Do Its Thing:


Deals Automatically Show Up in Procedure Pipeline

Track new deals the minute they hang up

Call them back quicker


Buyer Journey Begins. Tracking and Forecasting

Follow every milestone in booking the procedure.

Just click and drag


Don't Give Up 'til the

"Hail Mary" Pass

Make alternate offer of another procedure.


This is the CAPP Roadmap showing Phone (Lead) Triage

Click on the image to view full size

Here's Our "You've Never Heard This Before" Launch Offer:

"$30K, NOT 30 Days "


Use CAPP for FREE until you have $30,000 in opportunities in your pipeline.

Then keep it or kill it (...and it's pretty cheap to keep it)

© 2024 Practice Domination. All rights reserved.


Web Triage

The Most Flexible LMS Plugin Available For WordPress

We didn’t just add some new features…

Thrive Apprentice 5.0 Doesn’t even play in the same league anymore as Thrive Apprentice 3.x from 2021!

4. Automatic Prospect Welcome Email

Aliquam lobortis a elit vitae commodo. Praesent varius tristique tincidunt. Phasellus id lacus sit amet justo maximus tincidunt. Morbi laoreet, risus ut eleifend consequat, turpis libero accumsan sapien, id congue justo nisi non velit. Nam auctor diam tortor, eget pellentesque velit vestibulum eu. Fusce sit amet malesuada ante, vehicula finibus tortor.

5. Add Patient Education Assets

Morbi laoreet, risus ut eleifend consequat, turpis libero accumsan sapien, id congue justo nisi non velit. Nam auctor diam tortor, eget pellentesque velit vestibulum eu. Fusce sit amet malesuada ante, vehicula finibus tortor. Pellentesque euismod tempor quam, ut ultricies nunc bibendum in. Vestibulum bibendum viverra lacus sit amet consequat.

6. Book 1st Appointment

Aliquam lobortis a elit vitae commodo. Praesent varius tristique tincidunt. Phasellus id lacus sit amet justo maximus tincidunt. Morbi laoreet, risus ut eleifend consequat, turpis libero accumsan sapien, id congue justo nisi non velit. Nam auctor diam tortor, eget pellentesque velit vestibulum eu. Fusce sit amet malesuada ante, vehicula finibus tortor.

As you can see, Thrive Apprentice went through a MASSIVE transformation in 2022. And we’re proud to say that 35,685 websites are now using Thrive Apprentice to sell their expertise online!


Social Triage

The Most Flexible LMS Plugin Available For WordPress

We didn’t just add some new features…

Thrive Apprentice 5.0 Doesn’t even play in the same league anymore as Thrive Apprentice 3.x from 2021!

7. Instant Sales Opportunity Notification

Aliquam lectus enim, vulputate in est eu, iaculis pellentesque elit. Nullam vitae nulla augue. Morbi suscipit tortor nec dui blandit bibendum. Aenean at risus malesuada arcu elementum efficitur in quis diam. Maecenas tristique pharetra ornare. Morbi eget eleifend elit. Pellentesque sed arcu risus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

8. Begin Sales Process+Buyer Journey

Aenean eu odio eget risus dapibus hendrerit eu sed libero. Proin venenatis vehicula purus a ullamcorper. Duis rutrum mauris sit amet convallis tincidunt. Morbi nec mi egestas, pharetra odio blandit, egestas lectus. Nulla suscipit pellentesque consectetur. Quisque egestas dolor ac dictum cursus. Fusce tempor nunc in blandit imperdiet.

9. Save "Lost" Opportunities

Donec metus lorem, laoreet nec nibh eu, pellentesque commodo justo. Ut sit amet vehicula metus, sit amet volutpat odio. Morbi vel blandit tellus. Nunc in quam nec arcu aliquam mattis. Vivamus sed diam nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin iaculis nisi sed dui tristique, eu accumsan urna imperdiet. In interdum viverra dui, vitae ullamcorper sapien viverra non.

These new features make Thrive Quiz Builder a great companion tool for any online course creator!

The Problem

Mortgage Brokers use the same leads as everyone else in their company, yet expect to have better results than their coworkers who sit next to them.

Spending all day cold calling?

Are you spending all day calling strangers asking them to make the biggest financial decision of their life?

Begging for Referrals?

Are you begging friends and family to send you business, just to have no consistency or predictability of

your income?

Buying Shared Leads?

Are you buying leads that get sold to multiple lenders just to compete for the business?

Chasing around leads?

Are you getting ghosted by prospects who change their mind?

Getting leads with bad credit?

Are you wasting your time speaking to leads who aren't eligible for your programs?

What Is A Low-Quality Lead?

Inaccurate Contact Information

Almost 100 % of the leads we generate are valid numbers. If one slips through the cracks, we have a guarantee in place to replace that lead completely free of charge.

Shared Leads

We combat shared leads by giving you 100% exclusive rights to each lead. We will not share your leads with ANY broker for ANY reason.

Low Credit Score

We target occupations that have good credit like Veterans, Doctors, and Teachers.

Lack Of Interest

Our leads are put through a 12 page comprehensive quiz. Prospects who take our survey are significantly more likely to set an appointment.

The Solution

Lyncrest Media is a Mortgage Marketing Agency. We help Loan officers and Mortgage Brokers double their volume per month without cold calling or referrals, all through our proprietary marketing system below.

Get 100+ Hot Leads Using Highly Targeted Data Points Via Social Media Advertising.

Each verified lead is completely exclusive. Facebook collects data from its users daily. We use that data to find high intent prospects in your area that are actively looking for a Mortgage Broker.

Generate High Value Clients With Pre-Approved Leads

Each lead is prequalified through our survey. We determine if that lead has a Real Estate agent or not. Brokers can leverage these leads to build Real Estate Relationships. Other things we identify are their credit score, annual income, loan amount, and time frame. Giving you all the information you need to be successful.

We Save You Time And Energy By Contacting Your Leads And Booking You Appointments.

We will follow up with your leads via text, email, and voicemail. We also have a live person dialing on your lead list EVERY DAY! Each lead is contacted a minimum of 20 times over the course of 90 days.

Our Appointment Setters Keep Your Pipeline And Calendar Full By Booking You Appointments Daily

We will help you double your call volume by booking you verified, prequalified appointments on your calendar every single day. You will consistently get better quality leads than the top performers in your office. Then you will outperform them.


Average Client ROI


Appointments Booked


Clients Served

Why Mortgage Brokers & MLOs Love Us

We are so confident in our offer we guarantee you 60 client opportunities or your money back. Check out how Lyncrest Media has impacted Mortgage Brokers all across the world.

Resources To Help You Close More Deals

No blogs found

Frequently asked questions

How many appointments will I get per month?

Our smallest clients get a minimum of 10 appointments per month.

Will I need help managing these leads?

Absolutely not. We will manage your entire pipeline including follow up. All you have to do is show up to the phone appointments.

How are these leads exclusive?

We only work with a limited amount of Mortgage Brokers per state. We do not want our clients competing with each other for leads. We dominate territories.

Ready To Increase Your Sales Volume?

Speak With An Expert Today.

Real estate marketing is changing, finding new customers is getting harder. Join hundreds of other Mortgage Brokers and MLOs booking more appointments and closing more deals.